The Plant Distro.
Neomarica Gracilis 'Walking Iris'
Neomarica Gracilis 'Walking Iris'
Neomarica Gracilis is more commonly known as the 'Walking Iris'. The Walking Iris has one of the most beautiful blooms in the spring time with white, blue or yellow flowers that sit upon green sword like clumping foliage. The flower may only last a day or two however they do bloom numerous times throughout the warmer months. They grow best in partial to full shade making great accent along garden beds, footpaths and pots. Water your walking iris regularly during its active growth. Allow the plant to go dormant in winter and limit its watering to once a month.
Growth: approx.- 60-90cm high x 90-150cm wide
Soil: Well-draining, sandy, humus-rich
*Pot not included*
Purchase height approx. (from top of pot)- 350mm
** All plant stock and sizes are approximates and subject to growers availability as per the time of year **